Monday, July 27, 2009

Transpromo - Making the most of customer touch points!

Transpromo marketing is the science of using current business transactions that are transmitted to your clients on a regular basis for the purposes of enhancing your customer retention and growth marketing.

What that means.
Use your current day to day business touch points with your customers as marketing tools.

On a regular basis you may be mailing your customers statements, invoices, packing list, memos, faxes and other paper based documents used in your business functions. These are all customer touch points that could be carrying additional marketing messages. For example, each month you could print additional copy to your statement/invoices advertising a new product or service.
Try adding marketing inserts in these documents so they can be passed easily to other department heads. If you company still transmits faxed documents review your Fax Cover sheet and add marketing elements promoting a targeted product. Any paper document that reaches your customer based should be reviewed for potential marketing applications. Even if the marketing is only "brand marketing" don't overlook this opportunity to increase you marketing at very low cost.

Members of your team talk to your customer. Sales, CSR's, counter workers, support staff and other often have face to face or voice contact with your customers daily. How can you use these touch points to increase your marketing? During any customer conversation could your team mention a new product? Could they highlight and upcoming in store sale? Could you increase website visits if they gave out your website? Could you learn more about your clients by ending each conversation with a short three question survey? As you are looking at these "live contact" touchpoints be sure to pay attention to the subliminal marketing that goes on using eye contact, voice inflection, smiles and other body language tactics. This than be a powerful means of brand marketing (positive or negative). For example, I was in a local hardware store twice over the weekend. In each case I spent 10-15 minutes looking for a product while I watch store associates stand and talk to each other. When I left the store clerk gave me my receipt and told me I could go online and complete a survey regarding my visit. What kind of grade do you think they received? What kind of grade would your team receive?

In addition to paper based and personal touch points you may also have electronic meetings with your clients using electronic bill presentment, email and website. These can be turned added to your marketing program as well. Email signatures is one of the easiest methods to continually offer new marketing messages. Additionally the message can and should contain hyperlinks to your website or special landing pages specific to your promotion.

Why consider Transpromo marketing?
During tight economic situations many companies often look at the marketing budget as one of the first places to cut costs. This is one of the worst things they can do. However it is smart to spend your marketing dollars wisely. Using your current touch points more effectively can increase your marketing impact at a reduced cost.

As you have heard me say in the past, marketing requires planning. Determine what products/services/events you wish to promote over the coming months and create the content for the marketing message. This is important as your want all of your people using the same information so it's consistent throughout the campaign. Align your plan with each of your customer touch points so a consistent message is sent each month. This will also help you track the success of the campaign as you will not be marketing multiple products at the same time. One side note on this. You can market multiple products however you should limit the number and use this as means to track the response value of the media channel. For example, promote Product 1 in your paper based applications and Product 2 in your electronic systems. Gauge the response levels to determine if one media has a significantly higher response rate.

Transpromo can be a powerful means of maintaining customer retention, growth and brand marketing. As you look at your marketing tactics for the balance of 2009 review your various customer interaction points and see how you can exploit them

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